Tag Archives | Supergirl

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Love—and Life—Is a Battlefield on SUPERGIRL

Supergirl’s ninth episode (“Reign”) was so wonderfully done for a lot of reasons. And I’m not just talking about how Lena snapped at Edge (“Morgan, you are a vile, despicable scrooge who’s going to die alone in prison.”). Or about Winn gleefully geeking out over Star Wars’ Life Day. (What do you get a Wookiee […]

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Good Guys Punch Nazis on SUPERGIRL

Supergirl’s eighth episode (“Crisis on Earth-X, Part 1”) was wonderful. I love how the show brought all the characters together in a way that felt organic. I mean, we had Oliver snarking, “If you were here, you might have a little more respect for ninjas.” Alex and Kara booze-bonding over breakups. And Mick gruffly being […]

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SUPERGIRL: Who Says You Can’t Go Home Again?

Supergirl’s sixth episode (“Midvale”) was not what I expected. I gathered that the show was doing some flashbacks, but it served as the main focus, a frame for the current situation the Danvers sisters find themselves in (both heartbroken and in differing levels of Cope, one of which involves booze and being a mean drunk). […]

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Long Goodbyes and Unseen Wounds on SUPERGIRL

Supergirl’s fifth episode (“Damage”) was directed by Kevin Smith, whom I adore. I’m a Jersey girl and a nerd, and his work is basically my favorite. This episode brought more girl power than it did anything else. Kara and Alex teamed up for a physical fight on the outset, but the emotional fights are what […]

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Badass Girls and a Cult on SUPERGIRL

Supergirl’s fourth episode (“The Faithful”) really knocked it out of the park. The villain, Thomas Coville, was played by the wonderful Chad Lowe. He was, honestly, brilliant. He walked the knife edge of crazy, misguided devotion (aka a cult). But there was a strange softness to him at times. He was a relatable zealot, which […]

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The Unexpected and Expected Judgment on SUPERGIRL

Supergirl’s third episode (“Far From the Tree”) was jam-packed with a case full of feels. While it was obviously about connections (family, specifically—those born to us and the ones we choose), the episode was an exercise in contrasts, with Maggie’s dad, Oscar (played by the lovely Carlos Bernard) pulling ahead for Asshat of the Year. […]

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The Sum of All Fears on SUPERGIRL

Supergirl’s second episode (“Triggers”) packed an (emotional) punch in myriad ways. For one thing, Alex and Maggie seem to be slowly leaning into a rough patch. It starts off small, but then ends with Alex wanting kids and Maggie…not. That is, for a lot of people, a deal breaker. So, this is obviously the sad […]

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Love Is a Superpower on SUPERGIRL

Supergirl’s 22nd episode (“Nevertheless, She Persisted”) didn’t pull any punches, literal or figurative. The beginning fight scene was gorgeously shot, a dark and emotional dance between Kara and Kal-El. And we were treated to old friends dropping by (M’gann!!!!) and frenemies offering aid (Momma Luthor). Cat settled back in perfectly, while Mon-El made a tearful […]

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Long Live the Queen on SUPERGIRL

Supergirl’s 21st episode (“Resist”) made me gawk and cheer in equal measure. I mean, sure the earth was overrun by murderous aliens (as Winn said, “full-on Independence Day), whose queen is so evil that Lady Macbeth would have great concerns. And yes, J’onn is still in his hell coma. But Kara makes an R2-D2 joke […]

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It’s Good to Be Bad on SUPERGIRL

  Supergirl’s 20th episode (“City of Lost Children”) is aptly named. The “lost” in this episode are many: Jimmy, Marcus, the Phorians, Lena, and the Daxamites. But first and foremost, we’ve got to give some credit to the Queen: Teri Hatcher as Rhea is about twelve different kinds of fabulous. There are two different sides […]

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Welcoming the Future, Treasuring the Past.