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Therapy and Other Support Systems on SUPERGIRL

Supergirl’s 18th episode (“Crime and Punishment”) gave us two very good things: Alex, Lena, and Kara teaming in the best girl power way AND therapy (with Jimmy) shown in an excellent light. First, let’s talk about the ladies. The trio of them talking in the beginning was excellent. Kara being defiant in the name of what’s right is my favorite Kara. Props for Lena pointing out Lex’s hideous gaslighting, too.

Alex struggling with the DEO/Haley (April Parker Jones, who was excellent in this ep) listening blindly to the president (do you want Nazis? Because that’s how you get Nazis.) was brilliantly done. I appreciate the small acts of rebellion/civil disobedience. Both Thoreau and Carrie Fisher would be proud. (Brainy helping Alex with the alien registry let his hapless side reappear for a second, and that always gets a laugh from me. But referencing Ethan Hunt was exquisite.) I’m so glad that Haley fiiiiiiinally came around, after Alex’s prodding. It was refreshing and a relief, honestly. Although, I swear to all the coffee gods, if someone doesn’t punch Ben Lockwood in the face soon, I may scream. Otis too. (Who exploded and then was put back together again by Eve? No. Just let the asshat goon stay dead. Please?)

Lena and Kara visiting Lex’s cell was wonderful. Seeing those two lean on each other, take turns giving each other pep talks? It was lovely. That’s one thing I always love about the show: the relationships. They never disappoint. On an ancillary note, I literally shouted MOZZIE out loud when I saw Willie Garson as Steve, because I loved White Collar a ridiculous amount. It was interesting seeing him lay into Supergirl: “Everything you touch, you ruin.” Ouuuuch. That hurt. It was fascinating to see the bulk of folks immediately distrust Supergirl/turn on her. It shows a dangerous fallout from maliciously rendered narratives, does it not? How someone in a position of authority can insist something is true and then act with the full-force of hate. It certainly made me think.

Now, Jimmy! Jimmy is having side effects from the cure. But he’s also having PTSD/panic attacks. The therapist seemed competent enough, although the actress (Parveen Dosanjh) didn’t resonate enough with me, possibly because her scene was so short. I’m hoping we’ll get to see more of her. But I was pleased to see therapy portrayed well, especially given Jimmy is representative of a kind of person who might resist therapy: “I’m Guardian. I protect people. … I feel like I shouldn’t need help.” It’s a common mindset that people think they shouldn’t need therapy, but like smarter folks have said, you wouldn’t chide a diabetic for using insulin. Mental health is much the same. Of course, much to all our dismay, there is no magic cure-all pill, but there are always coping mechanisms (some are meds). And if you needed to hear that, consider this your reminder. You’re never weak for needing therapy.

The show never shies away from the reminder that the press is good. That information—factual information, not petty spun crap—is essential to freedom. While we’re not currently battling Lex Luthor, it is a good thing to carry into the coming days.

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