Tag Archives | Spider-Man

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The Mask Makes You Strong

Well, that was a pleasant surprise. Marc Webb’s THE AMAZING SPIDER-MAN, a film with the admittedly rotten luck of being shoeboxed between the two most anticipated superhero movies pretty much ever, turns out to be not at all what I expected. Which is to say, it’s actually pretty damned good. The notion of starting the […]

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Farewell, Spidey

Amazing Spider-Man #50 is an iconic cover. It shocked many (those that bought into it) that thinking that the brand-new popular superhero Peter Parker is already giving up and quitting being Spider-Man. His crime-fighting career barely started! Much like the death of a superhero, at first, it would be shocking, but when done over and […]

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Not the Lone Ranger

Spider-Man’s Not…

If  nothing else, I can always count on Spider-Man to make me chuckle. I like his flippant sense of humor; wisecracks are right up my alley. The way he replied to villain’s cries of, “Hey, it’s Spider-Man” back in the day is priceless. I can hear the tone in the voice; it has to get […]

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Webbing Green Goblin

Spider-Man Does What a Spider Can And More

When Peter Parker is bitten by a radioactive spider he gains the abilities and unique properties of a spider. He’s incredibly agile, he can climb walls and stick to ceilings. Spiders have a remarkable sense of balance – my klutzy self would be glad just to have that spider ability. Don’t get me wrong, walking […]

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Welcoming the Future, Treasuring the Past.