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Old Friends and New Exits on THE FLASH

The Flash’s 16th episode (“Into the Speed Force”) gave us so much HR wisdom, and I love it. He may not be a super genius and his idioms are always delightfully sideways (“Hold your roll.” cracked me up), but he is helpful—and he has a timely knack for figuring things out. Plus, he’s kind of (totally) me when it comes to coffee. It doesn’t affect me either. Nope. *jitters nearly fast enough to break the sound barrier*

The episode also supplied some grade A Cisco quips (“To infinity—and beyond!”), but it also presented a bit of a conflict for me. First, let’s all agree that the Speed Force is kind of a jerk and that we really need someone to resurrect Captain Cold (because Wentworth Miller is all kinds of awesome). I may have let out an audible YAY! when he appeared on screen. Sorry, Barry. (Also? It was nice to see that Barry inspired Snart so much, but that did feel like a bit of a stretch. Give the Legend crew some influential love!)

Second, Barry’s trip into the Speed Force was an extended guilt trip. And yes, it was meant to illuminate how he has to take Savitar on alone. Which, not to get too Into the Woods on you, is impossible. Jay pops in to the Speed Force to sacrifice himself so that Barry can save Iris (“We both know that a speedster needs to take Wally’s place. … I’ve run a hell of a race, but every marathon has a finish line.” Poor Dawson Leery’s dad, being all martyr-y. I hope his Hell isn’t dropping his ice cream cone over and over.). He’s got Team Flash behind him (although Jesse dashes off to Earth Three to look after Jay’s earth. Sweet, right?). Barry is not an island, here. And that’s good. Because Mope Boy is not great with the decisions, and he needs his people. Granted, the alone idea may be a reference to the fact that every person has to fight their own battles. The Speed Force doesn’t pull any punches when it chides him for not fighting (“We know. And that’s exactly the problem.”). And when push comes to shove, you’re the one in the ring.

It’s no surprise that I need them to find more things for Julian to do. I mean: “Good lord. Multiverses. Breaches. Halos. Easy bloody peasy.” Tom Felton’s delivery was fantastic. And it’s great to see him settling in so well. Plus, when he had to concur with HR, essentially against all instinct, but aligned with common sense? It was highly amusing: “I can’t believe I’m uttering the words, but I actually agree with HR.” In short, more Malfoy, please!

I found Jesse and HR’s relationship very touching—from his pseudo-father stance (“Taking on Savitar, all alone, it’s not going to bring Wallace back. It’s just going to get you killed.”), to her decking him (That was oddly satisfying.” SNORT.), and to his helpful rambling madness when she needed assistance with Savitar. It was excellent that they discovered Savitar is vulnerable and not actually a god, golden or otherwise. They’re dynamic is almost like father/daughter, with a slightly sharper edge. And I enjoy their moments together, especially their goodbye, which left HR a little vklempt.

Lastly, we’re going to have to dash into the Barry and Iris situation, which feels a lot like when Artax died in the Swamp of Sadness. GUYS. This back and forth crap is for the birds. She got mad at him for his intentions, then he almost died and she wants to be engaged again. But Barry decides, oops, no—they really do need to break up. Because he…what? Can’t even? The scene left me feeling annoyed more than any other feel. And you know much I like my feels.

However, if this means shenanigans with Kara during next week’s musical fun? I am definitely here for it.

*exits, stage left, while doing jazz hands/spirit fingers*


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