Tag Archives | Monsters


MONSTROUS COMICS! Madame Frankenstein

There’s nothing quiet like filling October with horror movies and comics, is there? This month, as we count down to Halloween, I am tackling creator-owned comics that focus on monsters. From reinventions of classics to entirely new takes, we’re covering four tales of supernatural creatures by some of the most daring comics creators in the […]

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Wormwood Rises

One of the most wonderfully bizarre pieces of news to come out of this year’s New York Comic Con was IDW’s announcement that they’re turning the mad genius Ben Templesmith’s Wormwood: Gentleman Corpse into an animated TV series. I first discovered Templesmith’s work, like so many others, within the pages of Steve Niles’ horrifying vampire […]

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In Defense of Vampires

I’m not tired of vampires. We’re living in a post-Twilight world, and the coolest monsters to ever come out of the coffin have somehow become passé. Vampire fiction is consumed only with the pretense of being a “guilty pleasure” – a term we need to get rid of, because there is no response to fiction […]

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 Howling Commandos as another group of monsters: is this a new ethnic?

On a Cold Dark Year

It was cold. But that was not the heart of it. It was cold that lay around the heart of it. There had been a series of volcanic eruptions, but the big one occurred in the year that Napoleon was defeated. Mt. Tambora in Indonesia exploded in one of the most massive volcanic eruptions since […]

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The Thrill of the Hunt

Ever since the first grade, the year I fell in love with horror, I chose my Halloween masks as carefully as I could. That year, I was a ghost. A white shawl stretched down from the ghoulish mask, and I loved twirling around, which somehow seemed like the spooky thing to do at the age. […]

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Buffy Lives!

I was shopping at Borders – let’s all take a moment to shed a tear for the fallen – when I saw it. They had a little Buffy the Vampire Display, showcasing the novel Queen of the Slayers and the latest installment of the BtVS magazine, which featured a smarmy Spike on the cover. Having […]

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Welcoming the Future, Treasuring the Past.